New site in the USA: Deal Metal Fabrication becomes MINDA North America LLC

October 5, 2020 will probably remain in our memories for a long time: On this day Robert Falch officially announced to the employees at the three locations in Minden, Stadthagen and Tangermünde as well as to the new employees in Granite Falls / USA: "The MINDA family continues to grow! We are expanding outside Europe and are now also represented in the USA!"

Outside view from our new site in Granite Falls, North Carolina / USA.

On September 30, 2020, the MINDA Group acquired 100% of the shares of Deal Metal Fabrication LLC, located in Granite Falls in the State of North Carolina, USA, and founded MINDA North America LLC.

This step represents an important milestone in our company history: The first production site outside Europe with strategic orientation for the future.

With the acquisition of the new premises in the USA, the MINDA Group will further strengthen its position in the solid timber market and continuously promote the internationalization and diversification with regard to the market and their product range. The integration of new business units - such as the automotive industry - plays a major role in this context.

Especially important: Within the MINDA Group, each site has its unique selling point, its own identity and culture and is specifically active in different markets. At the same time, we closely cooperate in the Group's network across all sites, utilizing synergies and providing mutual support.

The continuous further development of the Group with a long-term increase of the corporate value stands for our future-oriented and strategic orientation. Therefore, the step towards expansion outside Europe is part of our foundation for a solid company development.

A new family-owned company in the MINDA Group

The family-owned company Deal Metal Fabrication was founded in 1998. Under Todd Deal's management, the focus was on mechanization solutions for the timber industry and material handling systems for similar industries. From design to installation and commissioning, a competent team took care of customer-specific solutions. 

With this profile, Deal Fabrication, especially as a family-owned company, excellent fit in the MINDA Group. Good experiences from the past in the cooperation with DEAL via Stiles additionally inspired MINDA to take this step.

Charles Martin, who has a lot of experiences in the field of solid timber production, becomes President and CEO of MINDA North America LLC with immediate effect. Todd Deal, who wanted to ensure a long-term succession plan with growth opportunities for his company through the sale, continues to work as Vice President & General Manager at MINDA North America providing his full support.     

Robert Falch as Chairman (Managing Partner of the MINDA Group) and Dr. Sascha Falkenberg (Managing Director of MINDA GmbH in Stadthagen) belong to the Board.

Even though the acquisition involved difficulties in times of Corona and therefore unfortunately  a personal visit in Granite Falls was not possible, we are very happy to welcome 30 new Minda employees in our team.

We are proud of the continuous expansion of the MINDA Group and look positively into the future and to a good cooperation!